Scattering and Presence

Dharma Blog: While looking at a photo of a group of friends, I was struck by the various expressions as they looked at the camera. One was beaming, a couple were smiling dutifully, one was quite doubtful. All but the beamer had several things going on. Each expressed...

Taking Refuge

Dharma Blog: We always have the choice of what our basis of operation will be. Even when we lose track and forget who we most fundamentally are, our Buddha nature continues to operate. And we can, by simply remembering our vow to awaken, turn our heart and mind back...

Natural and Unclouded

Dharma blog: We human beings are always at play in the ordinary conditions of our life. We experience our days and nights through the lens of all our previous experiences, our fantasies and expectations of a “future”, our temperament, through our senses, our...

Just Walking

Dharma Blog   It’s one thing to “just walk” when doing walking meditation (kinhin) during formal practice. Mind and body doing the same thing. But how do we carry over our practice as we walk around during the day? Same activity, different state of mind,...

To Think Or Not To Think

Dharma Post: In zazen do we think? Do we not think? This can be confusing? It’s not that we have to shut out thoughts, but rather we don’t have to become so involved with them. They bubble up. Thoughts bubble up on their own. In practice, we have a choice of whether...

The 4 Noble Truths

Dharma Post: 1st Noble Truth –  There is suffering (anxiety, unsatisfactoriness in our daily life) 2nd Noble Truth – The cause of suffering is ignorance (experienced as craving or thirst) 3rd Noble Truth –  The cessation of suffering is possible 4th...