by Abby Mushin Terris | Dec 30, 2023
On Sunday we are marking the New Year with zazen and by ringing the bell 108 times. Each of us takes a turn ringing the bell and being reminded of how we contribute our practice to the sangha jewel. The number 108 indicates the “defilements” which we can all get...
by Abby Mushin Terris | Dec 16, 2023
Poem from Rohatsu Sesshin A seed is planted, a wheat stalk grows. A farmer takes her scythe to harvest. A grain is milled into a fine flour. A baker turns the flour to bread. A man buys the bread and slices it. This is the one universe of time. And with each slice, A...
by Abby Mushin Terris | Dec 9, 2023
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. Have you heard this before? In Zen we are always saying that no one else can awaken to our life for us. We don’t need to be anyone else. We cannot be anyone else. There is no need to be anyone else. The Buddha extended the...
by Abby Mushin Terris | Dec 2, 2023
While some of us are sitting sesshin this coming week, whenever you think of us, please stop for a moment and take a mindful breath, or several. Look around and appreciate the blessings that you are receiving this very moment. And reflect on what you are offering this...
by Abby Mushin Terris | Nov 25, 2023
Monday is a full moon. This day is set aside traditionally for the Fusatsu ceremony, where we contemplate our basic life intention. We’ll be celebrating this on Sunday. We look at what ways we continue to be led by our habits of mind and activities that are...
by Abby Mushin Terris | Nov 18, 2023
Dogen offers his unique guidance for awakening when he instructs: “See the Buddha’s golden light in every hour of your day, cultivate doubt about your view of time and being, investigate how it is that particular being-time co-exists with all being-time, and know that...