The Vows of Kishitigharba (Jizo) Bodhisattva

To awaken we must awaken with the world. With this teacup in your hands, with this unresolved decision, with this aging body. In relationship with all things we practice, grow, learn, fall short, and try again… The Vows of Kishitigharba (Jizo) Bodhisattva: Infused by...

Continuous Practice

This week I picked up a book from the Sangha Jewel library edited by our dharma grandfather, Taizan Maezumi Roshi and his student Bernie Glassman. It is a collection of teachings given by Maezumi Roshi and his teachers titled On Zen practice II. I flipped it open to a...

Stress and Its Causes

May you be free from stress and its causes. May you have the courage to look at your stress as an elaboration upon, and not an inextricable result of, your experience. Stress leads to poor digestion, poor relationships, expensive vacations, excess spending, headaches,...

What Is This?

With an open dharma eye an eye in a face in a heart in the arms and legs that propel this body in activity, throughout this instant in all stillness the inmost point extending everywhere. A thread. Continuous...


This weekend I attended a retreat at the monastery called ‘Liberation Beyond Belief.’ Here are some of my reflections coming out of that retreat… Liberation. This is why we practice. This is the point of all dharma teachings and practices, to help us to get free from...

Is Zazen Necessary?

Is zazen necessary, or what? How much? What is too much? And what is just right? Life is short. Many take for granted the fact that we were apparently born, ended up with this or that responsibility, and now somehow feel like we’re trying to keep up with something...