Meeting Your Life

From Shinei… How do you meet your life? This life right now? Are you meeting it as a task to be accomplished? A problem to fix? As an opponent to brace yourself against? Right now, you have a choice. Take a deep breath, relax the body and drop all notions of...

The Light of Dawn

You can hear the day’s activity start up in the dark of mid-winter dawn, even before the dim light of the emerging day swells slowly in the cloud-choked sky. This moment on Earth, filled with the clouds of war, flood, and growing violence brings us all to the...

The Morning Pure Precept Blessing

Dear Sangha (Community), As I prepare to take refuge in the buddha, the dharma, and the sangha next month in the Jukai (or 16 bodhisattva precepts) ceremony and make my commitments as a buddhist publicly to you, I have been studying the meaning of the precepts and...

Everyday Suffering, Everyday Freedom

by Mary Leigh Burke When people asked the Buddha about metaphysical issues (is there a God?  Is the soul reborn?) he replied with some variation of: “I don’t speculate on these things.  I teach only suffering and the end of suffering.” So some people...

On berating oneself

One of my most deeply rooted, and least helpful, habits was berating myself when I thought I had said or done something “wrong.”  At one point I stumbled across a loving-kindness meditation in Ezra Bayda’s Beyond Happiness (see below.)  I began...