Contemplating Death

The Buddha recommended that his disciples contemplate death each and every day. This body is of the nature to die. All conditioned things are impermanent. It is Springtime, everything is being born and we should not forget that birth is the number one cause of death....


Born, born, everything is always born.  Thinking about it… Try not to. ~Zen Master Ikkyu Springtime! Every moment life is created anew. Each moment we are born again. Anicca, impermanence. This is a directly observable truth of reality. This life, this body, our mind...

The Vows of Kishitigharba (Jizo) Bodhisattva

To awaken we must awaken with the world. With this teacup in your hands, with this unresolved decision, with this aging body. In relationship with all things we practice, grow, learn, fall short, and try again… The Vows of Kishitigharba (Jizo) Bodhisattva: Infused by...


You don’t have to have it all figured out. Well, maybe the next few steps. Maybe the plan for today, maybe even the plan for next year. But when it just plain looks like things are going to turn out badly, it’s time to throw out the future and just put one foot in...

What Is Practice?

Every weekday morning after our morning zazen the small group of us have tea around the kitchen table at the Zen center. The guiding teacher (usually Soten) offers a prompt for discussion. This past Monday I offered the prompt, “If you were to substitute another...