May you be free from stress and its causes. May you have the courage to look at your stress as an elaboration upon, and not an inextricable result of, your experience. Stress leads to poor digestion, poor relationships, expensive vacations, excess spending, headaches, frequent doctor visits, and addiction.

Stress is not caused by hard work. Hard work can be fun, exhilarating, creative, stretching you into new territory – which everyday living should provide! So let us not fear hard work!

What is the cause of stress? In Buddhism, the answer is clinging. What is the cause of clinging? In Buddhism there are many answers. One of them is- Don’t worry about the cause, just let go. How do we let go of stress? Courageously. What can we do instead of feeling stress? Pray for our, and other’s well-being.

If we do not think a thing is good to do we should not do it. If we think a thing is good to do we should do it. If we do not know if a thing is good or bad we need to practice more meditation. Meditation is the true teacher. This is because fundamentally we are not confused – we just think we are. May you be free from stress and its causes.