We welcome your generosity.

Living into our vows…
In 1992 Mushin arrived in Corvallis and started a Sunday sit in her living room. After a while, needing more room, the fledgling sangha, then name Corvallis Zen Circle, moved to The Yoga Center downtown where we were generously hosted for our Sunday Practice for the next twenty-five years
It always starts small.
In 2004, a small practice hut, Dharma Garden Zendo, was established so that we could meet more often. And finally in 2018 we began the building of our Sangha Jewel Zen Center in response to a growing need for a Zen sanctuary.

It’s the Buddha’s Story.
They lived for years, discovering, practicing and refining their insights into how to wake up and address suffering, and then they began to offer their practice more widely to anyone who longed for this bright, clear refuge.
This is how the sangha practices the Way.
As we developed, we’ve designed a practice that is suitable for our modern conditions. We don’t reside together but during the course of a year we meditate and study the Buddha Way – chanting, sharing meals, retreats, workshops, ceremonies, and caring for the buildings and ground which shelter our practice.

Please give generously.
We dedicate this Fall Fundraiser to Living into our vows. Asking for your financial support is one way we do this. We live into our vows together, to awaken and share the gifts of a clear mind and warm heart, bringing benefit to you, to everyone, beyond our individual lives.