We are all together, whether we like it or not.

Having the name Sangha Jewel Zen Center gives us a continuous koan to live into and work with. We take refuge in Sangha. The sangha of all beings is a shining jewel with infinite facets, asking us continually to look into the conditions in the world that most...

Power or Connection?

At this time of profound upheaval, the entire globe is stressed at every level and fragile rules of civil discourse and behavior are being upended. On the national level the major concern of our leaders seems to be holding and wielding  power. This intention brings...

The Power of Thought

I saw something that reminded me of the power of thought while driving down Circle Boulevard with my particulate mask on. There was a team of construction workers, unmasked, resurfacing the road. Fumes were rising from the asphalt heater, adding to the density of the...

Taking or Receiving?

This month begins our preparations for the October precept ceremony. Some of you will be ”taking” the precepts. Some will be ”receiving” the precepts. Do we take them or do we receive them? Though these two words share a similar meaning, they each have a different...