The Great Lamp

When all the experiences, words and phrases, opinions and activities, enthusiasms and hurts, conclusions and assumptions, sensations and emotions, triumphs and failures, after all the good and bad, thrashings and soothings, songs and chants, fears and bravery, after...

Open House ’22

Last Saturday we were finally able to host an Open House along with a book sale. It was an occasion that we have looked forward to for so long. Meeting old friends and new, welcoming neighbors and community folks who have watched our long process of emergence into...

Wisdom in the Precepts

In one of Suzuki Roshi ‘s Dharma talks he said, “When our everyday life is based on wisdom, we call it precepts.” This summer we’re exploring the precepts. We’re using their penetrative inquiry to guide our study of the self and our everyday life. Wisdom? We might...

The Breeze in Zazen

One way to understand how all things work together is by watching the breeze lift and sway the long grasses this way and that in the field. They all function together. The breeze does not separate itself from the grasses. The community of grass dances in the lift of...

What Is Offered?

Our weekly chanting of the Genjo Koan has highlighted for us the ways that we can approach our daily experience as koan. Living with the spirit of inquiry, of not knowing, we may notice more minutely the details of whatever’s going on. The second of the Ten Grave...


I took advantage of outside meditation times at the Genjo Koan sesshin to practice skygazing. Lying down is one of the four meditation postures. Combining open awareness, earthbound relaxation and gazing at large and impersonal sky forces, lets us clearly see the...