

In extreme weather, we will follow the public school closing policy.

Weekday Mornings (Monday – Friday) 6:00AM – 8:00AM 

6-6:40 Zazen
6:40 Kinhin
6:50-7:30 Zazen
7:30 Service
7:50 Informal Tea and check-in

Monday Evenings 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Meditation, teachings from a variety of Buddhist sources, and discussion.

Led by Doryu

Zoom Link for Monday Evenings

Tuesday Evenings 6:30PM – 8:00PM

Zazen and Discussion. 

Led by SJZC Elders

Zoom Link for Tuesday Evenings

Wednesday Mornings 6:00AM – 6:40AM

One hour of seated meditation. Online Only.

Zoom Link for Wednesday Mornings

Wednesday Afternoons 12:00PM – 1:30PM

Come explore the richness of the Zen teachings! One hour of group study and discussion, followed by a 25 minute zazen period and a short chant.

Led by Seikyo

Wednesday Afternoons 1:40PM – 2:30PM

Open Zendo. You may come and go as you like during this time.

Led by Seikyo

Thursday Afternoon 12:00PM – 1:00PM

Zazen and tea.  Come sit for a period of zazen before enjoying tea with one another.

Led by Genei

Thursday Evenings 6:30PM – 8:00PM

Zazen and group sanzen in person only.

Led by Mushin

Saturday Mornings 8:00AM – 9:15AM

Golden Hour & Sanzen with Mushin

Led by Mushin

Sunday Evenings   6:30PM – 8:00PM

Sunday Evening Program – Zazen, dharma talk and chanting service

Led by Mushin

Zoom link for Sunday Evenings

Meditation Retreats, Sesshins, Workshops, & Special Events




2/1 Zazenkai

2/2 Orientation

2/8 Back to Basics

2/27-3/2 Silver Dragon Sesshin


3/2 Orientation

3/8 Zazenkai

3/15 Annual Members Meeting

3/16 Fusatsu Ceremony

3/21-/3/23 Dream and Zen Retreat


4/2-4/6 Practice in Difficult Times Sesshin

4/6 Orientation

4/24-4/27 Shine A Light In The Corners Retreat


5/4 Orientation

5/17 Zazenkai


6/1 Orientation

6/2-6/8 Sesshin