Receiving Jukai
Jukai is — formally becoming a Zen Buddhist. People receive jukai after some years of practicing with the community, establishing a relationship with the teacher, and taking part in intensive meditation known as sesshin.
The foundation of jukai is taking on the Sixteen Bodhisattva Vows at a ceremony witnessed by the community. The vows are our intentions to live ethically and to serve as best we can.
People who receive jukai wear a rakusu, a hand-sewn miniature version of the Buddha’s robe, as an outward reminder of their vows. They also receive a Dharma name.
A person who receives jukai has clarified that Sangha Jewel Zen Center is their community of practice, has committed to study with the teacher, and has declared that Zen Buddhism is their primary path of practice.
October 11, 2020

November 10, 2019

Precept recipients from left to right: Melissa, Trevor, Jogen, Mushin, Junyo, Cindy and Marilyn.

Judy “Junyo” Good receives the 16 precepts and a dharma name from Jogen and Mushin.
(Sensitive to Suchness)
April 22nd, 2018
During the service on Sunday, April 22nd, 2018, Alex and Libby received the 5 precepts, and Rachael and Rich received new names and the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts. It was a beautiful ceremony of deepening of connection and vow.
(innermost courage)

(magnanimous source)