During service every other week we chant the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo. We chant it through three times, each time more briskly, to call on Kannon, the name of the Bodhisattva of Compassion in Japanese, to raise the energy of compassion in our own hearts. Even if we don’t know the meaning of the words, the energy of chanting wholeheartedly is an enactment of compassion. Kanzeon is known as the “One Who Hears the Cries of the World”. That’s you and that’s me. This chant reminds us to open our hearts to all of it.
Kanzeon! Na mu Butsu
Yo Butsu u in
Yo Butsu u en
Bup po so en
Jo raku ga jo
Cho nen Kanzeon!
Bo nen Kanzeon!
Nen nen ju shin ki
Nen nen fu ri shin! 
Do you wonder what we’re chanting? Well, it’s the same chant on alternate weeks, although in English. Chant of Boundless Compassion,
Absorbing world sounds
Awakens a Buddha right here!
This Buddha the source of compassion!
This Buddha receives only compassion!
Buddha, Dharma Sangha – just compassion.
Thus the pure heart always rejoices!
In the light recall this!
 In the dark recall this!
Moment after moment the true heart arises.
Time after time there is nothing but THIS!