Last Saturday we were finally able to host an Open House along with a book sale. It was an occasion that we have looked forward to for so long. Meeting old friends and new, welcoming neighbors and community folks who have watched our long process of emergence into a Sangha Jewel Zen Center.
A workday the week before to get the building all spiffed up to welcome our guests was ably led by our housekeeper, Terry Wood. Members put in hours on a hot Saturday sweeping, vacuuming, dusting and polishing under his steady leadership.
Our trusty grounds staff has been tending the garden throughout this season so that it was at its best and most beautiful. Many brought tables, helped set up the day before, and attended to the various tasks in the spirit of wholeheartedness, which is our Zen practice. Visitors and members relished the delights of a book sale, leaving a sizable financial contribution in their wake.
Many guests peeked into our small library, met the most recent Zen ancestors in the Zen Founders’ Room, and enjoyed some moments of quiet reflection in the cool zendo. Gratitude to all of you who participated and helped to make this event a day of joy, that comes from a community working in harmony. The Sangha is indeed a Jewel.