Memorial Day is a good time to offer metta (lovingkindness) to all who are suffering with samsaric conditions without the support of the Dharma. You may do this by setting aside a time to light a candle and some incense. Then offer aloud and from your heart, remembrance and appreciation, encouragement and solace. The traditional wishes that are offered during metta practice are for safety, physical health, mental and emotional well-being and peace in our hearts. You may word these to suit your particular recipients. Do include yourself. And do include all beings, human, other animals, and plants. You might fold this personal ritual into your hike, or camping trip. You can share it with whomever is with you. As we practice we commit to keep all of life in our concern. Those near at hand and those at a distance, friends and enemies alike. Those who we know personally and those who are unknown to us. Engaging this practice keeps a stream of love flowing to bring balance into this troubled world