Dust, gravel, mud, clay, flesh, bone, muscle, breath, cloud, tree, bird, flower, cement, rock, wire, mountain, worm, shrub, rice, water, whale, human. When we celebrate Earth Day, we’re celebrating how every morsel of matter that makes up this world is brought to us by our mother, Earth. Everything that we do leaves a mark, transforms substances, affects the processes that sustain our natural environment. We are made of it. So Earth Day is a day of prayer. May our way of life be awake to and align in the best way with Earth’s offerings. Let’s bring to mind here the Empty Field dedication:
We extend the compassion and wisdom generated by our
practice to the health and renewal of Mother Earth
and the enlightenment of all her inhabitants –
deer, bobcat, cedar, snail, goldfinch, camas,
mosquito and blackberry. May we honor
our profound and ungraspable interdependence
and the selfless generosity of the natural world.
May we practice in kind, and awaken
together with all beings.
practice to the health and renewal of Mother Earth
and the enlightenment of all her inhabitants –
deer, bobcat, cedar, snail, goldfinch, camas,
mosquito and blackberry. May we honor
our profound and ungraspable interdependence
and the selfless generosity of the natural world.
May we practice in kind, and awaken
together with all beings.