Finding What is True

After a day engaged in work activities, where we respond to conditions directly and immediately, reading the news can catapult us into a swirl of anxiety, mental confusion and stress. Anxiety arises when we can’t find our ground. The media world of facts, alternative...

Hotei’s Gift

Research shows that when you have a bellylaugh you breathe in six times more oxygen. When was the last time you laughed like that? Just reading this may remind you of the physical experience of laughter, the way the whole body joins in. Thinking mind is given a...

The Ten Directions

This week we’ll be exploring the far reaches of causes and conditions in all the ten directions………. Buddha fields that lie north, south, east, and west and northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest, as well as above and below. We experience our life and what lies...

Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation

This is a very brief description of what is meant by mindfulness and mindfulness meditation. If you want a full presentation there are many wonderful works of popular scholarship on this topic, several of which I list at the end of this piece. Also Google is an...

Natural And Unclouded

We human beings we are always at play in the ordinary conditions of our life. We experience our days and nights through the lens of all our previous experiences –  our fantasies and expectations of a “future”, our temperament, through our senses, our...

Zen Koan – Be an Ancient Tree in a High Wind

Dharma Blog Post: There’s a koan :  Be  an ancient tree in a high wind. This koan can inspire a way to approach the forces and energies in our lives that catch us up and blow against our fixed ideas about things. And it brings to mind, too, what is ancient in...